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Wednesday, July 7, 2010, Beck talks more about the Black Panthers voter-intimidation case, and Attorney General Eric Holder's evasive refusal to prosecute the case, that caused U.S. attorney Christian Adams to resign from a very successful career at the D O J, and go public with the true facts.
As well as Bartyl Bull --a well-known civil rights attorney from the 60s, who won a Congressional Medal of Honor for his service, and was campaign manager for Robert Kennedy in 1968-- who also publicly opposed D O J's refusal to prosecute the case.

Part B

Part C

Part D

Part E

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Glenn Beck's Monday show, that made some great points about how Obama is tightening laws for treason, but refuses to even identify muslim terrorists... as terrorists!
But is tightening federal laws so he can incarcerate, hold without trial or evidence, or even execute without evidence, those the government deems to be treasonous or terrorist.
Since only Tea Party protestors (rather than muslim terrorists) are portrayed as spreading fear, using violence, and potentially terrorist, it seems Obama's undemocratic new laws are aimed at a lockdown on all domestic dissent toward his presidency, rather than islamic terrorism.
Beck points out how the Obama administration seems not the least bit worried about 2012 re-election, almost as if he has something planned to contain it.
Part A

And incredibly, far from being a right-wing talking point, some of the folks at MSNBC, the ACLU and other pundits and groups on the Left are making the same point !

Part B

Beck cites many examples and quotes from Obama officials and the amended law to back up what he says.

Part C

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 Originally Posted By: rex
He also cries like a bitch and says "I like wiener" a lot.

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Today's Beck episode was an important one.

Detailing the further deterioration of our freedom, and authoritarian takeover of our financial system and healthcare system, under incompetent appointed-Czar control, rather than the authority of industry experts who could save the system from further waste and inevitable collapse:

Plus you'll enjoy the time he devotes here to Weiner and his attack on Goldline, a major sponsor of Beck's. An attempt to deprive Beck of sponsor support:
Part C

And about 6 minutes in, a great perspective of the USDA lady's firiong by Obama and the Agriculture Department, and how the timeline she, the liberal media, and the Obama administration offer doesn't make any sense, because she was already fired before FOX News first reported it.
And how this appears to be an orchestrated smear of FOX News and Breitbart, by providing them with a fragment of the full story.

Continued here:
Part D

The most significant part of the broadcast was the opening segment, though, about bureaucratic and authoritarian new legislation, handled by inefficient bureaucrats unfamiliar with the industries they will regulate, who will inevitably cause more failure, job loss, and federal debt (which gels perfectly with the ideology Alinsky, and of Cloward and Piven strategy, that Obama and his inner circle are deeply indoctrinated in) :
Part A

Part B

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Watch: Glenn Beck Calls Brian Urlacher a ‘Neo-Nazi’
Updated: Friday, 23 Jul 2010, 10:49 AM CDT
Published : Friday, 23 Jul 2010, 8:45 AM CDT

FOX Chicago News

Chicago - Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck might not be the most popular guy among Bears fans after calling Brian Urlacher a “neo-Nazi.”

He was going over a website's list of the “blackest white people” in the news, and when he got to the Bears' Brian Urlacher's picture, he said, “I think this guy’s a neo-Nazi.”

Beck admitted he had no idea who Brian Urlacher even was.

Representatives for Urlacher and Beck had not commented on the issue.

Fox News Channel and FOX Chicago News are both owned by the same company.

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Beck's Monday episode had a lot of good information:

Part B

It again underscores that Obama's administration is not only inspired by 1960s terrorist radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, Wade Rathke and others, but is working closely with many of these unrepentant revolutionaries, who continue to espouse marxism and the infiltration and collapse of America from within.

It also exposes that while an overwhelming majority of Arizona citizens support border enforcement, ACORN, SEIU and other socialist unions continue to import fake "astroturf" protestors in to oppose the Arizona border enforcement law.

Especially good is his quoting Pelosi and her tearful expression a few months ago of how frightening this awful rhetoric was that reminded her of the worst rioting and violence of the late 1960s. And yet she has no problem, none, with the fact that Obama is employing the very radicals that she expressed fear of.

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Part C

Part D

These two parts are especially chilling. That while we have a monetary system that resembles the Weimar Republic or the U.S. in 1929 just on the precipice of a great depression, we no longer have the industrial base to pull us out of it.

This part in particular I would think liberals --if they would only watch it-- would see the catastrophic error of Obama's economic policy, and turn on him.

If the Obama Newspeak of ABC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and the other media would only report it.

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Maybe they're not Communist agents from the Soviet Union, but actually neo-Nazis, just like the linebacker who plays for the's really amazing that the Fourth Reich has infiltrated the NFL.

Man, we're fucked.

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Monday's episode:
Part A

Beck quotes an auditor who normally just signs off on Congressional Budget Office numbers. But who in this case was deeply critical of the Obama Health Care plan, that the numbers are irresponsibly way off, and unsustainable.

Beck also comments on Obama's autobiography, Dreams From My Father and that the dreams of both obama's father and grandfather were destroying western colonialism with soviet-style marxism. And compares the evidence that Barack Obama's apple didn't fall very far from the tree of his two predecessors.
And that Barack Obama's apple is deeply indocrinated in William Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Cloward and Piven strategy, to collapse the system with unsustainable debt, to enact a redistribution of wealth amid the cover provided by the chaos and crisis:

Part B

Part C

And how William Ayers is retiring as a university professor this month, even as he receives a generous pension from the nation he hates, that he will likely use to continue his un-American political activism. Even as his pension contributes to collapsing the system with unsustainable entitlements and debt. From which beck segues into the fact that 46 of the 50 states have unsustainable unfunded debt and entitlements.

Part D

And concludes with some funny but very true points about how Obama calls for sacrifice, and then how he and his wife live like kings and queens at the taxpayers' expense, with trillions in deficit spending that --contrary to the cloak of "helping average Americans" that it is legislated under-- actually serves as a slush fund for endless bailouts and Democrat re-election funds (against the will of an American public that opposes these policies but are forced through taxes to pay for their lobbying and payoffs to unions and other Democrat allies).

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You have issues.

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Hello pot. Meet kettle.

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Glenn Beck's own account of what happened at his Lincoln Memorial rally on 8-28-2010, commemorating the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech.

Part B

Part C

He points out what the actual attendance is, what the actual message was, and how the media spun it to be irrelevant to what actually happened.

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Beck has been doing a "Crash Course" overview this week of the issues he's been covering for months.

His show yesterday (Tuesday) was an "all the President's men" overview of Obama's communist-indoctrinated staff, such as Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Obama himself.

Part B

Part C

And their direct links to 60s radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, and the head of SEIU Andy Stern, who are influencing or directly writing Obama's socialist debt-laden economic policy today.

And about George Soros, who funds Center For American Progress, The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, and other progressive groups that are actively undermining U.S. economic policy, while enriching himself, as that policy moves us toward collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Scary stuff, that makes you wonder why the rest of the media isn't asking these questions or reporting on Obama's clear marxist/anti-American ideology, and that of his close associates.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Beck has been doing a "Crash Course" overview this week of the issues he's been covering for months.

His show yesterday (Tuesday) was an "all the President's men" overview of Obama's communist-indoctrinated staff, such as Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Obama himself.

Part B

Part C

And their direct links to 60s radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, and the head of SEIU Andy Stern, who are influencing or directly writing Obama's socialist debt-laden economic policy today.

And about George Soros, who funds Center For American Progress, The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, and other progressive groups that are actively undermining U.S. economic policy, while enriching himself, as that policy moves us toward collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Scary stuff, that makes you wonder why the rest of the media isn't asking these questions or reporting on Obama's clear marxist/anti-American ideology, and that of his close associates.

I came twice.

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Wonder Boy
--rex's personal obsession

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That is not a denial.

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Why are you so defensive about the guy who likes wiener? Its not like what I say will affect your love of him...or will it?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Beck has been doing a "Crash Course" overview this week of the issues he's been covering for months.

His show yesterday (Tuesday) was an "all the President's men" overview of Obama's communist-indoctrinated staff, such as Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Obama himself.

Part B

Part C

And their direct links to 60s radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, and the head of SEIU Andy Stern, who are influencing or directly writing Obama's socialist debt-laden economic policy today.

And about George Soros, who funds Center For American Progress, The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, and other progressive groups that are actively undermining U.S. economic policy, while enriching himself, as that policy moves us toward collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Scary stuff, that makes you wonder why the rest of the media isn't asking these questions or reporting on Obama's clear marxist/anti-American ideology, and that of his close associates.

Try watching Jon Stewart's show. It will answer many of your questions and it's funny too.

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Or both of you could form your own thoughts.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Why are you so defensive about the guy who likes wiener? Its not like what I say will affect your love of him...or will it?

If you've noticed, I don't care what you think. I just keep posting regardless.

Because as everyone here knows, nothing you post is to be taken seriously, and I'm pretty much the last one here to give you a serious response that the pure antagonism of your sniping responses doesn't warrant.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Or both of you could form your own thoughts.

I'm sorry that posting sourced facts is offensive to you. The facts Glenn Beck presents are sourced.

Conversely, you could present facts to support your arguments, instead of just uninformedly talking out your ass.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Try watching Jon Stewart's show. It will answer many of your questions and it's funny too.

I've watched him periodically. He is funny sometimes, but he distorts for humor effect, doing the opposite of presenting factual arguments.

And he hasn't made any secret, on his own show or in interviews elsewhere, that he's anything other than a committed liberal true-believer.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Why are you so defensive about the guy who likes wiener? Its not like what I say will affect your love of him...or will it?

If you've noticed, I dson't care what you think. I just keep posting regardless.
Because as everyone here knows, nothing you post is to be taken seriously, and I'm pretty much the last one here to give you a serious response that the pure antagonism of your sniping responses doesn't warrant.

You don't care but you respond to all of my posts? Like I've said before, I make fun of you because you react. If you weren't such a cry baby bitch I wouldn't make fun of you. You are the one making yourself a target. You are the one who wants to get made fun of so you can victimize yourself and the people you worship. This is all about you and your mental instability.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Or both of you could form your own thoughts.

I'm sorry that posting sourced facts is offensive to you. The facts Glenn Beck presents are sourced.

Conversely, you could present facts to support your arguments, instead of just uninformedly talking out your ass.

Fact: I'm typing, not talking. I am typing with my fingers, not my ass. You are wrong on all accounts.

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 Originally Posted By: rex

You don't care but you respond to all of my posts? Like I've said before, I make fun of you because you react. If you weren't such a cry baby bitch I wouldn't make fun of you. You are the one making yourself a target. You are the one who wants to get made fun of so you can victimize yourself and the people you worship. This is all about you and your mental instability.

Aside from the multiple misrepresentations of what I've actually said and believe... just admitted that you're just an attention whore, who will say anything, ANYTHING to get a response.

You don't make factual arguments, you just crank out the most vile and mean-spirited lies and personal attacks you can, until you can solicit a response.

You redefine pathetic.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Or both of you could form your own thoughts.

I'm sorry that posting sourced facts is offensive to you. The facts Glenn Beck presents are sourced.

Conversely, you could present facts to support your arguments, instead of just uninformedly talking out your ass.

Fact: I'm typing, not talking. I am typing with my fingers, not my ass. You are wrong on all accounts.

Thank you for proving my point. Again.

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Do you have some kind of eye condition where everything is the opposite of what is written?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Do you have some kind of eye condition where everything is the opposite of what is written?

 Originally Posted By: rex

Try again.

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 Originally Posted By: rex


The "I'm rubber, you're glue..." argument.

More evidence that you spend an unnatural amount of time with small children.

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You sure do like talking about pedophilia a lot, don't you?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
You sure do like talking about pedophilia a lot, don't you?

You just brought it up, not me.

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Today's Glenn Beck "Crash Course" episode looks at revisionist history, and offers actual history to correct it.

About the unconstitutional authoritarian abuses of Woodrow Wilson, and how a rejection of Wilson's policies prevented a great depression in the early 1920's and established a period of massive growth for a decade afterward.
How FDR's economic policy resulted in deepening the Great Depression and prolonged it, till war manufacturing finally ended the depression in 1940-41.
The ugly marxist, racist and corrupt side of unions.
And the real Margaret Sanger, who fully embraced eugenics and genocide.

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 Originally Posted By: rex

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Don't hide behind the drunk. Show me where I brought up pedophilia before you tonight.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Today's Glenn Beck episode looks at revisionist history, and offers actual history to correct it.

I've noticed a surge in republicans trying to revise history when it comes to FDR. Guess as more of the crowd that was alive back then dies off it gets easier to do. Calling the old history "revisionist" seems silly and sort of a red flag announcing Beck is truly doing the revising.

About the unconstitutional authoritarian abuses of Woodrow Wilson, and how a rejection of Wilson's policies prevented a great depression in the early 1920's and established a period of massive growth for a decade afterward.
How FDR's economic policy resulted in deepening the Great Depression and prolonged it, till war manufacturing finally ended the depression in 1940-41.
The ugly marxist, racist and corrupt side of unions.
And the real Margaret Sanger, who fully embraced eugenics and genocide.


So massive spending by the goverment pulled us out of a depression? Think about that one WB.

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He thinks the carpet pissers did this?

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M E M, here's some stats I quoted a couple years ago when we discussed the liberal-indoctrinated delusion that FDR pulled us out of the Great Depression:



Again, please show me where FDR eliminated the recession. All opinions I've seen say that FDR actually prolonged and deepened the Depression with his policies, by inhibiting confidence and free market growth.

Again, what actually ended the Great Depression in 1940-1941 was war production supplied to Britain.
The rest is liberal smoke and mirrors, and tea leaf reading.

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His New Deal programs helped and gave relief to the many during the depression. If you haven't seen any opinions contrary to the conservative revisionism you haven't looked very hard. Heck even your own posts credit the spending during WW2 for ending the depression.

Fair play!
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