Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Beck has been doing a "Crash Course" overview this week of the issues he's been covering for months.

His show yesterday (Tuesday) was an "all the President's men" overview of Obama's communist-indoctrinated staff, such as Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Obama himself.

Part B

Part C

And their direct links to 60s radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, and the head of SEIU Andy Stern, who are influencing or directly writing Obama's socialist debt-laden economic policy today.

And about George Soros, who funds Center For American Progress, The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, and other progressive groups that are actively undermining U.S. economic policy, while enriching himself, as that policy moves us toward collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Scary stuff, that makes you wonder why the rest of the media isn't asking these questions or reporting on Obama's clear marxist/anti-American ideology, and that of his close associates.

Try watching Jon Stewart's show. It will answer many of your questions and it's funny too.

Fair play!