Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Today's Glenn Beck episode looks at revisionist history, and offers actual history to correct it.

I've noticed a surge in republicans trying to revise history when it comes to FDR. Guess as more of the crowd that was alive back then dies off it gets easier to do. Calling the old history "revisionist" seems silly and sort of a red flag announcing Beck is truly doing the revising.

About the unconstitutional authoritarian abuses of Woodrow Wilson, and how a rejection of Wilson's policies prevented a great depression in the early 1920's and established a period of massive growth for a decade afterward.
How FDR's economic policy resulted in deepening the Great Depression and prolonged it, till war manufacturing finally ended the depression in 1940-41.
The ugly marxist, racist and corrupt side of unions.
And the real Margaret Sanger, who fully embraced eugenics and genocide.


So massive spending by the goverment pulled us out of a depression? Think about that one WB.

Fair play!