Yesterday's "Crash Course" episode of Glenn Beck is titled "Controlling the Message".

Detailing the propaganda and suppression of freedom under Woodrow Wilson, and how these tactics and abuse of power are repeated in the Obama administration, in their attempt to shut down Fox News, Glenn Beck, and other dissenters and critics of Obama.
It was actually --remarkably-- the liberal media who stood up for Fox News and broke Obama's attempt to bully Fox. Because the liberal media knew that if Obama was successful against Fox, the vice would be tightened next on the other networks as well.

Others highlighted in this show are Cass Sunstein, one of the main architects in Obama's staff of the strategy to shut down Fox News and Glenn Beck. (in comparison to George W. Bush, as bitter as the attacks got on him, Bush never went after MSNBC, Keith Olbermann or other critics at all).
Sunstein also masterminded intimidating, slandering and infiltrating the Tea Party (if it can still be called masterminded, since the plan has not worked.)

Also spotlighted is Obama's FCC Diversity Czar, Mark Lloyd, who famously said of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chaves' state takeover of the media in his country: "An effective model, and a good one to follow."
Very scary, that a man in charge of regulating our nation's media favors authoritarian takeover of our nation's media, and sees Chaves as the model.

And in conclusion is a comparison of Obama to Richard Nixon's treatment of the media, recorded from his own words, as compared to the words of Obama and his staffers.
No insinuation, the exact words.
And they are virtually identical.