Originally Posted By: M E M
If you take a look at them, you'll notice that unemployment dropped each year up till the time when FDR under fire from conservatives tried to balance the budget. Then it got worse. Plus do those numbers you cite include people employed under government works programs or not?

They are total unemployment figures for each year, yes.
And unemployment, as I showed, never got much below 20% under Roosevelt until W W II.
There was no progress under Roosevelt. It was unquestionably World War II that stopped the Great Depression, not FDR. To say otherwise is just spin and propaganda, that unfortunately liberals are teaching in our schools.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually I think the nonpartisan CBO backs up the positive effect of the stimulus has had.

Yeah, that's why two of Obama's economic team just resigned, including Orszag, the most prominent face in the CBO.

What the CBO has been saying all along is that this debt level is unsustainable, and will bankrupt the nation. As I have discussed and linked quotes to often, from CBO officials.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

As for the great depression, even you have to realize it wasn't tax breaks and reduced spending that pulled us out of it but massive spending.

It was manufacturing and war production that brought us out of depression in 1940.

To the extent that debt was incurred in the early 1940's, as long as we won the war it was guaranteed to be repaid.
And an investment in industrial capacity is virtually a guarantee of return on investment, and not a "hail Mary" like Obama's stimulus has been. The problem is, now we're a service economy, and we can't produce our way out like we did in the 1940's. Back then, it really was shovel-ready jobs.
But what Obama's doing is virtually no industrial investment, and just moving paper around, and paying off unions, ACORN, and other political muscle groups of the liberal-socialist power structure (i.e., corruption and waste).

In addition to the stimulus money Obama has borrowed from China and Japan, he has also printed another 2 trillion dollars to cover what couldn't be borrowed (i.e., "quantitative easing", printing money to buy our own treasury notes, that China and Japan previously did and now won't). What Obama is doing more closely resembles 1923 Weimar Germany than any rebuilding of economic infrastructure. And in FDR's time, we were a debt-free nation and the world's largest creditor-nation.
We have since become the world's largest debtor-nation.

Add to that --as I've said repeatedly-- that Obama is heavily indoctrinated in Cloward and Piven Strategy and Saul Alinsky (i.e., economically collapsing the system, to enact social justice and a redistribution of wealth amid the crisis. )
Obama has never followed or believed in capitalism. And nothing he is doing makes me believe he is trying to save capitalism now.
Quite the contrary, all Obama's actions manifest he is following Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven strategy, to destroy us.

Glenn Beck, "Communist in America"