I think we should just give up trying to get more people in. We're internet dinosaurs. We're not that good at attracting and maintaining conversations from people nowadays because we're very old, and bitter, and jaded, and we've been there, done that, and all that shit.

Admit it, when you look at discussion threads from other forums, it's either you can't relate or you think the posters are stupid. We're basically just the internet version of war vets exchanging and arguing over the same old stories. And as much as it seems like you may hate some people here, the truth is that they're actually the people that you can still stand (or stand to hate), unlike other people whom you just ignore.

As for Rob's hatred of ready-made insults and replies and memes, isn't that the thing on the internet nowadays? Look at 4chan, the Penny arcade forums, hell, look at every forum. People usually have recycled responses; rickroll, i can haz cheezburger, demotivators. fail, 0wned. etc. We're not that different from the rest of the internet, we just have a different set of those things.

We seem to tackle the same topics and interests as most of the people on the internet - politics, comic books, videogames, pop culture - we just have a different perspective. (e.g. whereas other people will talk about the Emmy's and support Big Bang, we'd bitch about it.)