That would be like counting the temporary U.S. Census jobs that Obama "created"?

Temporary jobs, that disappear as soon as the stimulus money runs out, and are not self-sustaining.

If you "save" a teacher job or some other civil service job with temporary stimulus money, and then have to fire them in a year anyway when the stimulus funds that artificially sustain that job run out, what are you really saving or "creating". Nothing. You're just postponing the inevitable, and preventing market forces from eliminating inefficiency, and from creating real jobs in the aftermath with real growth. And creating more debt for an even harder fall in a few years when the stimulus ends. It's a temporary bandaid oon a gushing wound.

Likewise with all the government subsidies for real estate. These people are temporarily saved from foreclosure, but because they can't afford the home they're in that they never should have been qualified for, they will foreclose anyway in another year or two! So what has all this government intervention really saved.
And many who can afford their homes are walking away from them anyway, because they're worth 40% or half now of what they borrowed at the time of purchase. I know a real estate agent in her 30s who purchased a two bedroom condo on a first-time homebuyer loan at %120,000, and just walked away from her condo because it's worth half the mortgage purchase price she owes. She told me if I want it, I can get it at $50,000 at short sale from her bank.

And it's the same with all these subsidized "created" jobs from the Stimulus spending. They were each created at 4 times the cost of what the jobs pay, and will be gone within 2 years.

That is not growth or recovery.