Continuing on a Tea Party focus this week, Beck compares the ideology of the Tea Party to the ideology of the Washington elite (in particular Obama's White House, but also including the agenda pushed by George W. Bush and progressives in both parties.)

I think this is a very important episode, because Beck points out the actions of Obama, and how it makes no sense, except through a socialist/anti-american/wealth-redistribution ideological mindset.
It deals with the attempt to eliminate economic independence of the U.S., and make us dependent and at the mercy of foreign suppliers, and force us to send trillions overseas in wealth redistribution. Accelerating that has already been occurring since NAFTA and GATT were negotiated in 1993.

I was aware of the loans to PetroBras. I was not aware of 2 billion in loans to Mexican oil producers as well. So Mexico can drill exactly where U.S. oil companies are prohibited to drill. It makes no sense unless viewed through a wealth-redistribution mindset.

Part B

Part C