You have seen Season Three/Children of Earth, right? Just making certain, as it's the pinnacle of Torchwood.

Season one was pretty much shit for me. Didn't like any of it. At all.

Season two was okay. Enjoyed the growing chemistry. Then they kill off half the cast. Spoilers.

Season three/CoE was raw and awesome and everything Torchwood should have always been. It's astonishes me that Russel T. Davies wrote that one.

The upcoming Season four is being co-produced by American cable network Starz Channel, and includes Captain Jack, Gwen, her husband Rys, and a new supporting cast. Supposedly they are going global with this one, and will include characters from multiple countries.

Also, RTD just made a statement in the press about it, saying that thanks to the recent season of Doctor Who, the Cardiff Rift has sealed. Thus, the team no longer needs to be in Cardiff and will be based in another country...