Yeah, I've seen COE 1-5, and were actually the first ones I've seen. Thank fuck for that, if I started with season 1, eps 1-2, I never would have bothered.

I hope they retain Lois Habiba. She makes my pee pee tickle, even though she's black.

On a slightly related tangent, I've also been looking at rumor sites for Who, in anticipation of the Xmas special, and I notice a growing trend towards hating Matt Smith. Like it's suddenly the cool/edgy thing to hate on the eleventh.

Which is a shame, Smith's rendition is entertaining and stands on its own merit, even if you compare him to the the ones before him. In fact, most longtime fans (the ones who really grew up watching the classic eps) tend to like him OR at least find him passable. The rabid smith haters are usually those who cut their teeth on Tennant.