Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Yeah, I've seen COE 1-5, and were actually the first ones I've seen. Thank fuck for that, if I started with season 1, eps 1-2, I never would have bothered.

I hope they retain Lois Habiba. She makes my pee pee tickle, even though she's black.

You know that was originally supposed to Martha Jones (from Who) and the stuff Gwen's husband got into was going to be Mickey Smith. It was leading from the end of Tennant's 4th season, when they all go off with Captain Jack. However, Freema started filming Law & Order: UK before they got her locked down. And, Noel Clarke won a few BAFTA awards as a film maker, and was unavailable. Thus, the rewrites.

On a slightly related tangent, I've also been looking at rumor sites for Who, in anticipation of the Xmas special, and I notice a growing trend towards hating Matt Smith. Like it's suddenly the cool/edgy thing to hate on the eleventh.

Which is a shame, Smith's rendition is entertaining and stands on its own merit, even if you compare him to the the ones before him. In fact, most longtime fans (the ones who really grew up watching the classic eps) tend to like him OR at least find him passable. The rabid smith haters are usually those who cut their teeth on Tennant.

Weird, what sites are you going to? I'm not seeing any of that, other than the random tweeny-fag whining about Tennant. But, trust me, this kind of subversive resentment only lasts for about a year or so. I saw it back when Tom Baker left and Peter Davison took over. Once they realize the one and only Doctor they've watched isn't coming back, they'll decide whether they want Doctor Who or The David Tennant Show and leave or stay accordingly.

Everything...and I mean damn near everything...I've read on the net shows that Matt Smith blew the doors off people's expectations. I've seen an amazing amount of fans declare him "even better than Tennant".

So, fans are a mercurial, whiny little bitch-hive. In the end, none of that matters, as the BBC see the internet fanboys like myself as part of the "irrelevant vocal minority" (RTD quote). And, really, so they should. As long as eight-to-ten million viewers are still watching per week, as they have for the past five years, Matt Smith is just as solid as David T.

And dammit, do I looooove me some Matt Smith. I haven't been this in love with a Doctor since Eccleston. And I totally thought that was a rare event. I want to make fuck to Matt Smith and his companions. The end.