Yeah, you nailed it.

Imagine relocating Sarah Palin's brain into the body of Rosie O'Donnel. Do you honestly think that anyone would pay her any mind. Of course not! She is a sex object, not an astute thinker. Let us call a spade a spade. She should pose for Playboy and retire to Alaska so that she can kill defenseless mammals in peace. That, in truth, is her real station in life.

This is about what she deserves - a comic book. She is a joke!

That is where she belongs - in a comic strip.

Further, these two aren't the only politicos that they have made comics about. And, frankly, they have been pretty even handed in their coverage of right/left politicians. I don't know if the issues are fair in and of themselves as I don't see me plopping down 4 bucks for any of this shit, but they've made these about Hillary, Michelle, Caroline Kennedy, Palin, and Condi. Like her or not, I think it is terribly disingenuous for MSNBC to not even point out that she isn't the first female politico to be biographed in a Female Force comic. To be fair, they did provide a link to an older article which mentions the other comics, but it is from early this year and I don't see a lot of people actually reading it. Rather, they will just see the Lady Gaga cover and think that it fits their "Palin is a celebrity" mindset.

Sure, she may be the next pres or she may just be fap material for conservative polititards...either way, MSNBC could've presented this better.