I think the carry-bag is cool, if only because it screams 90's. Since that's his era, and each Doctor is very much a product of their time, this is just the flip side to the Neil Gaiman/Gothy/'Lord Byron' look he started with. Just like the 90's.

And yes, I do hope it hold weed.

As for the sonic, it looks cheap and dumb. I could do without it. But, overall, I like that this can be considered what the 8th Doctor looked like during The Time War.

For fucksake. Why can't they just have a Paul McGann flashback episode in lieu of the normal 'Doctor-lite' episode they come up with (usually, except Smith didn't take a break this year).

Speaking of the Doctor-lite episodes, I wonder what's so tiring about filming thirteen episodes that the stars usually need an episode off per year? All totaled, David Tennant was the only one that needed a day off. Perhaps it's just a budget thing? Make thirteen episodes of a series, but only have to pay the star for twelve?