Rex always thinks I'm the topic.

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: 'I Consider Myself a Conservative'
1 month ago
Monday afternoon, I was on MSNBC's "The Dylan Ratigan Show" with The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart and Alicia Menendez.

We discussed several interesting topics, including the Obama administration's elevation of Minority Leader John Boehner and Tuesday's GOP primary in Delaware.

It was a good time and a great debate, but the comment that caught my attention most didn't come from a panelist, but rather from Ratigan, himself, who said, "I consider myself a conservative."

Ratigan went on to clarify, adding that, "you can do whatever you want. The social [issues] ... I could care less. ..."

Sadly, Ratigan didn't get to finish explaining, but it was still an interesting moment -- if for no other reason that that it is generally assumed that most MSNBC hosts are liberal Democrats.

Personally, I've always found Ratigan to be more of an intellectually honest, cynical iconoclast who is hard to pigeonhole. While he clearly has some conservative leanings, I was surprised to hear him describe himself as "a conservative."

Let's see how long it takes the left to pick up on this. ...

The guy he had on was a liberal though, one that I don't agree with. I also think one liberal saying something means about as much as one conservative saying something. I know for some people that may seem unfair.

Fair play!