for those who just can't get off to tentacle porn anymore.


by James Marsh, November 15, 2010 1:27 PM

Here in Hong Kong, news has just surfaced of an upcoming independent film project that immediately caught my eye, not least because it claims to prominently feature legions of ample-chested undead as well as plentiful gore and comedy kung-fu hijinks.

While ZOMB'ASIANS: THONGS OF THE DEAD is still very much in the pre-production phase (no cast members have yet been named), the official website states that the script is finished and they will soon be running camera tests and looking to begin shooting a concept trailer "in the next few days." The film is to be directed by Simon Yin, who has been making quite a name for himself in Hong Kong over the past few years, helming a number of short films, music videos, TV commercials and the like, while friend of the site Mike Leeder is on board as one of the film's producers.

These guys have decades of experience under their belts and have worked with some of the local industry's very best actors, directors and fight choreographers, and if they get this right, this film could be a real blast. Suffice to say, I'll be keeping a close eye on how ZOMB'ASIANS shuffles forward from here on in - and their website invites you to do the same, promising full behind-the-scenes coverage throughout the production.