WTF? Are you shitting me ? Like people needed any more reason to be leery of Obama.... I mean every Christian with a slight knowledge of biblical prophecy would see a correlation...couldn't he have thrown out 6 or 8 years....jeeezzz.

Have you heard the latest great foreign-policy idea from Barack Obama?

He wants Israel to lease lands in historic Judea and Samaria from the Palestinian Authority.

This would presumably be a reward to the Arabs for waging nearly continuous acts of war and terrorism on the Jews for 62 years.

But what is even more shocking to me as a Christian American of Arabic heritage is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approves of the idea in principle.

It's a suicide pact for the Israelis – who continue to believe they can negotiate with an implacable foe hell-bent on their total annihilation.

The proposal is for a seven-year lease of the lands in question. Netanyahu's only objection is that the term of the deal is not long enough.

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"Seven years is not enough – an arrangement like this needs to last for dozens of years," Netanyahu reportedly said behind closed doors to Israeli army radio. Another senior minister was quoted anonymously as saying "anything less than a 99-year lease is not worth talking about."

But the Israeli leaders are missing the point – as usual.

Any agreement to lease the land bestows ownership of the land by their enemies. It thoroughly undermines the legitimate Jewish claim to land bestowed to the heirs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

If Israel agrees that the land legitimately belongs to the Palestinians, how will it morally and legally defend the rest of its land?

The concession would represent an implicit admission that so-called Palestinians have a legitimate right of ownership to all lands under the control of Israel – including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, which are contested by the same people.

(Column continues below)

Last edited by Pig Iran; 2010-11-19 4:05 AM.