Announced Monday, Mortal Kombat's Kollector's Edition and premium Tournament Edition have now surfaced on GameStop, showing the contents of both in all their shiny and highly collectible glory.

The images of the MK Kollector's Edition show the Scorpion figurine, with Sub Zero presumably inside the box, represented as a silhouette on the packaging. He's definitely in there though, as the figures also double as bookends. There's also a 110-page 'Art of Mortal Kombat' book and a Kung Lao Avatar costume in the package, and pre-ordering the game grants you the classic Scorpion skin with his original fatality.

GameStop has the Kollector's Edition priced at $99.99, but if that's a little too cheap for you, then there's always the Tournament Edition for $149.99. This version bundles the game with a high quality fight stick designed by NetherRealm Studios and inspired by the Mortal Kombat arcade cabinets of yore, with authentic Suzo Happ parts.

The stick's buttons and joystick interface is laid out just like the classic arcade cabinet and also flips open to enable easy customisation of the parts and a handy place to store the game and other bits and bobs, if you so desire. The Tournament Edition also comes with a code to download a 'Retro Ninja Costume' for use in game and GameStop is also offering the same Scorpion skin as a pre-order bonus.

Check out the images of both editions below. Mortal Kombat is slated for release in April 2011.

I hope this isn't exclusive to GameStop, since they suck and all...

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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