Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Yep. Now it just looks like a huuuge waste of a budget.

so you hated the original future movie, and this second future movie for new future reasons?

Exactly! When I wrote that, I had decisive hatred in my heart. That cannot be more clear. However, it should be noted that, thanks to YOU Robert J. Kamphausen, the future was altered when I had to explain what the future was about...to you. Thus, you are inadvertently the cause of the second shit-reason. The first becomes more meaningless as I even type this. And, of course, now that I had to explain it to you....again...it will alter once more. Rob, please just accept your hypocrisy, inaccuracy, intolerance, and overall responsibility for altering the timeline.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'm sure it will get better once they reboot the series years from now...

well, at least the distant future movies are in good hands

Nope, you've now fucked THAT one up, as well...