Yeah, I can't tell WHAT the hell is going on now. I liked this episode, but it felt a bit....rushed? I don't know. There was a l-o-t of stuff crammed in there. And, I'm starting to get a little impatient with the disjointed time storytelling technique. I know it's Moffat's forte', but still...I don't need another LOST. I want answers. Who is the girl? Is it River? Amy/Rory's daughter? The "Jenny"-clone from Ten's run? The daughter of River and The Doctor? Susan? I need some answers, and I bet I don't get them until the end of the season. If that, given this is The Moff. Look how "The Silence" has been stretched across the seasons. Anyway, the worst of Moff's episodes are still light-years ahead of most of RTD's best. I'll live with less-than-perfect.

Not sure about next week. Pirates are boring.