they are saying he was killed in an earlier attack. This one was buried in the news last week:

Nato forces in Afghanistan have confirmed the killing of one of their most wanted al-Qaeda militants in the decade-long conflict a day after an embarrassing jailbreak by hundreds of suspected Taliban militants.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force said on Tuesday that Abdul Ghani had been killed in an air strike in Kunar province, a mountainous region in north eastern Afghanistan, on April 13.

It called the death of the Saudi national, who it considered a “key financial conduit” for militant operations, a “significant milestone” in its quest to hunt down al-Qaeda leaders and bring stability to Afghanistan.

Confirmation of a prized militant scalp came after a four-year manhunt in a region, bordering Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader who masterminded the 2001 terror attacks on the US, had earlier been suspected of hiding.

dunno if it was the attack where they got him or not.