It makes no sense that our Navy SEALS were sent in to do the job and confirm that Obama was killed (rather than carpet bombing the place, where we could never confirm it). And then:

1) they bury the body at sea and feed it to the fishes, rather than let coroners and forensics people from various nations confirm that it is indeed Bin Ladin, before scuttling the evidence. They could have kept his body in a freezer someplace hidden forever, and there still would be nowhere to build an Al Qaida shrine to him.

2) they're not offering any photos or evidence to the media, thus feuling all kinds of conspiracy theories.

The only possible explanation I have is that maybe the Obama administration wants to slowly release information about the killing, to keep the story alive for a long time.

Whereas releasing the whole story at once it would be big news for a few days, and then quickly disappear. As long as Bin Ladin's death is big news, it helps to boost Obama's popularity polls. That's the best explanation I can come up with.
But the slow release of info also has the downside of appearing evasive, having something to hide, and being less believable.