Originally Posted By: thedoctor
So, fuck all you shitheads who were bitching about it being a pirate episode before you even saw it.

\:lol\: I didn't even see this when I responded last night. Yeah, the pirate aspect was the most boring of all, though, for me.

I think it comes down to how clueless The Doctor was the entire episode. Him getting one theory wrong was funny. The constant theme of him pretty much not knowing what was going on? Pfft. That's the kind of "RTD"-type Who I hate. The dumbing down of the Doctor so other characters can be important or "save the day". Unlike the rest, I feel no attraction to Karen Gillan, so I thought the Amy-pirate thing was pretty fucking clown-shoes. And why the Doc couldn't take control of the situation, I don't know. Same with Rory. At what point couldn't he have opened up that "door" in his head, and pulled out the Rory-the-Roman battle training he had? I'm ready for him to stop being such a helpless twit. Rory the Roman is awesome, and keeping him away from that role simply does disservice to the character, and the actor...