Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Doctor Who Babe list

1.Rose Tyler
2.Martha Jones
3.Tegan Jovanka
4.Peri Brown
5.River Song
6.Amy Pond
7.Sarah Jane
8.Donna Noble

1. Nicola Bryant/Peri
2. Mary Tamm/Romana I
3. Louise Jameson/Leela
4. Alex Kingston/River
5. Freeman Agyeman/Martha
6. Billie Piper/Rose
7. Elizabeth Sladen/Sarah-Jane
8. Karen Gillan/Amy
9. Anneke Willis/Polly
10.Sophie Aldred/Ace

I'd put Gillan above Piper any day, and you know I loved some Piper in that first series. Sophie Aldred? Seriously? With her Robert Z'Dar jowls? I'll give you a minute to Google that image.

I guess it depends on what age we're talking. Survival-era Sophie was a little hotty...

I honestly don't know what it is about Karen. Maybe it's the character? Anyway, she puts out absolutely zero sexual vibes for me. Just not into her.