Despite the best efforts of the Obama administration to not release photos, it's still gradually coming out.

Bin Laden Raid Was Captured On SEAL Team Helmet Cameras

  • It seems that the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound was, in fact, captured on the helmet cameras of the Navy SEAL team that took down the terrorist leader.

    According to CBS' David Martin, the entire 40-minute raid was recorded on the 25 tiny helmet cams of the SEAL Team that went in. They appear to have the whole mission covered from every angle.

    From CBS News:

    The SEALs first saw bin Laden when he came out on the third floor landing. They fired, but missed. He retreated to his bedroom, and the first SEAL through the door grabbed bin Laden's daughters and pulled them aside.
    When the second SEAL entered, bin Laden's wife rushed forward at him -- or perhaps was pushed by bin Laden. The SEAL shoved her aside and shot bin Laden in the chest. A third seal shot him in the head.

I suspect they're disclosing this much because of what's already been leaked.