Full Spoilers on all three titles out this week courtesy of Dr. Donald Blake at Gamefaqs.

- The new infected rings are already recruiting new members.
- Hal and Guy and fending off the possessed Guardians while trying to drill into the Central Power Battery to get Parallax
- Guy tries out Krona's gauntlet to see if it will help, which Guy describes as wearing twelves power rings, but Hal and Guy get blasted before they can do anything, and Krona takes them away.
- Meanwhile, in the Book of the Black, Sinestro is having some flashback to a battle with a Manhunter on Korugar. He tries to call Abin Sur for help, but he turns back into his old blue and black outfit while realizing he's still in the book. He goes searching for Lyssa Drak through the pages, and each page is a look into the other trapped Lanterns' pasts (Walker and his family, Larfleeze as a slave, Atrocitus attacking Abin, and a prison cell containing Munk and Indigo-1). Indigo attacks Sinestro in her "flashback", asking him where Abin Sur imprisoned her.
- Krona plans to make Hal and Guy into Guardians by using the bandages that turned them into midgets, and he wants them to serve him once the process is done.

Green Lantern Corps # 60 (Part 8)

- Up in space, Kyle and John find out that over 10,000 rings are going out across the universe. John tries to stop the rings with a trap, but they break loose.
- Kyle thinks that if they get close enough to Mogo's brain, he can restore him. Mogo tries to use a vision of Katma Tui on John, but he doesn't fall for it, but allows the possessed Lanterns to catch up with them. Kyle manages to removed the impurity from one of the Lanterns.
- Kyle tries to use a construct of Bzzd to do the same thing for Mogo, but the Black Lanterns he purged last year come back to bite everyone in the ass, and the Black Energy holds them off.
- Krona contacts John and tells him it's too late to stop the new rings, but John decides to channel the Black Energy in Mogo's core and uses it to...

oh sweet damn, John killed Mogo. John does look pretty badass though, with the half-staff/half-sniper rifle.

Emerald Warriors #10 (Part 9)

- We pick where part 7 left off, but because of the events of part 8, Krona and the possessed Guardians are screaming in pain as chunks of Mogo and the possessed Lanterns start falling onto Oa.
- Kyle is PISSED at John. John said there was no other choice, showing the Indigo Tribe's skewed idea of compassion. Kyle tries to pull Mogo's pieces back together, but John teleports the two of them back to Oa.
- Hal and Guy break free and bring the Book and Ganthet with them. Guy wonders how a meteor shower would take out the whole Corps, but Hal realizes that it's Mogo. Flying along, they collide with Kyle and John. Kyle fills them in, and they head for the battery.
- Ganthet wakes up and comes up with a plan to release Parallax: Let their hearts fully embrace the emotions based on each ring and blast the battery open. Hal puts on the orange ring while Guy puts on the violet ring, and they all let out one big blast, but are interrupted by the possessed Lanterns. According to Ganthet, since Guy is wielding the farthest opposite rings in the spectrum, he's their best chance at freeing Parallax.
- Focusing on the thing he really loves (the Corps) and the thing he really hates (the rage inside him), he succeeds at freeing Parallax. The Corps is freed from Parallax's influence, but there's the problem with Guy and the red ring. Kyle uses the blue ring to finally rid Guy of the Red Energy, and all four of them finally put their green rings back on.
- Krona and the Guardians are back up again, with Parallax chained and muzzled by Krona. Now it's the entire Green Lantern Corps vs. Krona, the possessed Guardians, and Parallax!