Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I also find it nice that the doc saved a lot of his former enemies and put them in his debt. OTOH, he got the Silurian army commander, Staal the Not-quite-so-undefeated-anymore-but-never-mind, a couple of Judoons, the pirates from the 3rd ep, and I guess he also got help from the Cybermen (or forced).

Different Sontaran. He was Stahl's right-hand man. But, this was simply a member of that guy's Clone Batch. So, still a completely different character all together. Different Silurian, as well, just the same actress. Not to mention, an entire platoon of Silurians. Don't know how the Judoon factored in there, though.

I may not be getting this right since I'm not that familiar with the pre-2005 eps - The gallifreyans became timelords by being exposed to the time vortex for billions of years, but melody pond was able to do the same thing because Rory and Amy fucked inside the tardis (which means she was conceived while being exposed to the TARDIS' matrix thingie)?

Pretty much. They've never explained how Gallifreyans learned or gained the ability to regenerate. So, this is the first time it's been addressed on screen (and a thousand FanFic writers all cried out at once, and then were silenced....). As the Silurian stated, being conceived while in-flight through the temporal vortex "gave them a good start" and it seems The Clerics were attempting to make sure everything balanced out in her genetics after that. Not to mention, remember at the beginning of the season, the little girl needed the life-support suit made from the Apollo Astronaut suits? Maybe that's why. Maybe they're trying to stabilize her condition?

Also, does this mean River has two hearts?

Nah! She just has DNA that's been enhanced by the temporal vortex. Which is, per the episode, how she can regenerate.

Which, keep in mind, means that Alex Kingston plays her "final" incarnation, if Silence in the Library (...silence?) is any indication. So, they can recast her as many times as they want, really, as the character grows younger.

And that eyepatch chick, who is she? How is she able to control the TARDIS? (I guess the events from the previous season/cracks were her doing)

Like Doc stated, there's still so much more that is unexplained. Who are The Silence? What do they have to do with last season? Are they in league with The Clerics?

Did anyone notice that the Demons Run asteroid is, in fact, the same place the Doctor and Amy are at the beginning of The Time of Angels last season? "This asteroid is the Delerium Archive...the final resting place of the Headless Monks..." Which we just saw this last episode. So, they had been there already, just in the future.

Moffat's a fucking genius.