Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You're both morons. If you actually watched the show, he STILL said he should resign. Fuckssake, he did a fifteen-minute skit about it at the top of the show the day after Weiner admitted his guilt...

You mean this?

  • A parody of Weiner's Monday press conference, Stewart's opening sketch was built around the joke of the comedian mimicking Weiner as he himself "took full responsibility" for his limited and tame response Monday to Weiner's confession of engaging in creepy online, telephone and social media relationships with women half his age. In Stewart's comic press conference, he announced that as a result of his Monday night failings, he was resigning as host of "The Daily Show." Weiner, while saying over and over Monday how he was "taking full responsibility," did not resign from Congress -- despite widespread calls for him do so. The buzz from the bit this morning will probably be about Stewart really cutting his hand during the fake press conference and bleeding throughout the last one-third of it. I'd like to say he was suffering for his art. But his performance fell short of being particularly clever or funny, let alone artistic. Stewart seems conflicted. At any rate, something has him off his game, he just can't seem to find his comedic voice on this issue. You can read AP's account of his injury here. I would add as a footnote for your consideration a reminder as to what the Freudians say about there not being any pure accidents. I'n only half kidding. But whether you think this bit was funny or not, what matters most about Stewart's Tuesday night show is what he did NOT do in connection with Weinergate: any media criticism. Stewart has been dead wrong for the past week in trying to rip the press, particularly CNN, for its aggressive coverage of Weiner. Read my criticism of him here. If nothing else, Monday vindicated that aggressive, professional coverage from the mainstream media, and Stewart does not seem interested in acknowledging that -- or his own off-base criticism of media outlets like CNN. I think Stewart really wimped-out Tuesday night in trying to blame his lame Monday night performance on the facts that Weiner's press conference was at 4:30 p.m. Monday and his show taped at 6. In the comedic skit, he said he "took full responsibility" for deciding to include a few jokes about it at the top of Monday's show while otherwise sticking mainly with the scripted show. In the media world that Stewart is otherwise so happy to mock, we have short deadlines almost every day and night -- and we are never allowed to blame them for incomplete or inaccurate stories. In the correction box of a mainstream newspaper, have you ever seen short deadlines blamed? No, it is just "we were wrong and we apologize for the mistake." If it is wrong or incomplete, then don't put it out there. Blaming a short deadline is weak and phony for someone who wants to play a media critic on TV like Stewart does. Also, check out this tweet from Stewart published before Monday night's show. Does this sound like someone who feels he doesn't have time to do a proper job? Only after the reviews of his performance Tuesday, did Stewart claim this excuse.

That doesn't sound like a call for Weiner's resignation to me, but if you have a link to another bit where he did I'd be happy to review it,