Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Pro
Second, you consistently accuse me of using "the exact Liberal talking points". Yet, at no time have I copied and pasted anything. I'm just speaking from the heart, the mind, and the realm of common sense and rational thought. So, the fact that you see anything of my opinion as "Liberal talking points" is merely your own partisan-paranoia, as ever. Believe what you like, dude.

And yet you keep stringing together the same words as the Schumer/Reid/Pelosi talking points. Right.Wing.Extremist.

What an incredible coincidence!

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Waaaaah! You have no sense of humor and are easily ruffled! Waaaaah! Jeez, Dave, cry me a river man. Get over it. It's just the internet. Ignore my jokes if you don't like them. Bitching about it just makes you sound like a pussy.

Yeah, so funny, the way you call the president a nigger.

As is manifest in the above sample, it seems to me you get pretty angry and apoplectic in your so-called "humor".

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Exposing? Exposing what?? The only thing you've exposed is YOUR absolute nutso bias and beliefs. No one...and I mean NO ONE...is on your wavelength here. No one agrees with your fantasy extremist attitude and hypocritical beliefs! No one ever pipes up and says, "Hey that Wonder Boy sure makes a lot of sense!". No one!! Everyone from BSAMS, to Rex, to G-Man, to Rob, to Mxy, to....to everyone.....we all think you're batshit insane. We tell you that constantly. How do you filter that out? How do you not see that you are the Loony-Right that even The Right is embarrassed by? How?!

Don't look now, but you just got apoplectic again.

I know you like to paint it that way. But beyond your delusion, many here do agree with my political views.
Pariah agrees with me quite a bit.
G-man and I are often in agreement. What he dissented from me on was my taking the bait from Rex and other trolls like yourself, not for my political views.
Mr JLA used to be in agreement with me often, until he, for reasons I don't really understand, apparently had some kind of awakening and turned more liberal, at least on anti-corporate and pro-union issues.

Does this mean we need to start talking about a pre-2011 JLA?

 Originally Posted By: Wondy
Rob Kamphausen has never said an unkind word to me, and on several occasions has e-mailed me and invited me to come back and post, when I was away too long.

That's because he wants in your pants, dude.

 Originally Posted By: wondy
Even BSAMS and Rex, despite not voicing solidarity with me, basically post the exact same conservative views that I do (i.e., Obama is a left-extremist radical who wants to destroy capitalism, and whether by design or stupidity Obama is destroying our economy, and needs to be voted out of office).
In BSAMS' case, he too periodically watches Glenn Beck, and often posts articles and video from The Blaze(Beck), HotAir (Michelle Malkin), and other conservative sites that, if you had any sanity and logic to your argument, are at least as if not more right-wing than what I post.

Penis of Truth. Fucker of Socks. What's BSAMSchwab's nickname for this superhero club?

 Originally Posted By: Wondy
Iggy may or may not agree with me, I think he at turns agrees and disagrees with parts of what I say. He likewise used to post Pat Buchanan columns, until he was irrationally vilified for it, as I was. The difference between the two of us is he doesn't wish to post what is unpopular with the rest of you, whereas I'll post it to be read whether you like it or not, if I feel the points are well made.

And, I still read Pat's columns when they are released. However, I'm also willing to signify were Pat and I don't see eye-to-eye. So long as he is talking about things like foreign policy and the economy, we are in agreement. Once he starts talking social issues though, I'm out. However, as much as I like you as a person, it can sometimes seem that you believe it because Glenn Beck went on some deranged rant about it. Like if Glenn Beck says George Soros is trying to destroy America through secretly funding the gays fighting for equal rights who are secretly economic time bombs waiting to go off in all their communistic glory and bring capitalist society down on its kness and then cum on it; then it feels like we are going to hear about it through you on these forums as if it is gospel. Not that I want a jihad declared on me or anything like that, but it sounds at times like There is no nutjob but Glenn Beck and Wonder Boy is his prophet. And, I think that is what people generally troll you about. Like, at this point, even if you aren't talking about Glenn Beck all a few posters will be able to imagine is you typing your post while wearing a tin foil hat and watching seventeen monitors all turned to Glenn Beck. You've just given them so much ammo over the years they will never see you as anything else but a nutjob (right-wing extremist).

But, on the flip-side, I don't think I can troll you about it that much because I'm probably a bigger nutcase then Beck could ever hope to be. Honestly, I think what makes Glenn and his followers sound so silly is that they try to turn it all into some vast left-wing conspiracy. Personally, I believe there is a conspiracy but it doesn't really have a political affiliation. The whole left-wing/right-wing thing is the trap to keep us fighting each other rather than getting at the elitist bankster scum that is really destroying this country though their control over both sides of the political spectrum. Okay, end rant.

Still, crazy as I sound, somehow even I can't bring forth the feeling in people that they are talking to a complete nutjob like you can. Then, rather than just letting them call you batshit, you feel the need to type a five hundred word rave on why you aren't batshit. Let. It. Go. Otherwise, you just go from just batshit to a batshit, five-star, ten course meal for trolls.

Personally, I think you are an okay guy who I agree with on quite a few issues. However, you have a tendency to get fairly bombastic in your rhetoric and a little melodramatic when others troll you about it. And, in that regard, I have to side with Pro in saying, "Calm down. It's only the internet."

 Originally Posted By: Wondy
So when you say "everybody", you really mean your merry little clicque of trolls. A group of 5 or so, of you, the doctor, rex (oh there's an ally that hurts your superior sanity argument) Newt, Sammitch, and a few others who barely post here.

You guys pretty much have the same contempt for G-man, Pariah, and (until he changed political poles and becaame a liberal) Mr JLA, as you have for me. And your collective angry troll antics have pretty much chased away any other prospective new posters for several years now, with the angry hysterics you're unleashing on me right now.

Jack Kirby.