Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Seriously, Pro, why do you respond to WB? He's not going to rationally consider your opinion. He blows up way too easily for it to be fun to troll him.

I guess....honestly...I'm a little fascinated. I've never seen a condition like his up-close. The denial is palatable. I sort of pity his inability to snap out of it. But, you're right, I should probably just ignore him...

 Originally Posted By: iggy
Penis of Truth. Fucker of Socks. What's BSAMSchwab's nickname for this superhero club?

The Unfuckables?

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Let it go, Iggy. I tried giving him the same advice years ago. Now, I'm just another left-wing, God/America hating commie with plans of destroying WB's good name.


 Originally Posted By: iggy
Personally, I believe there is a conspiracy but it doesn't really have a political affiliation. The whole left-wing/right-wing thing is the trap to keep us fighting each other rather than getting at the elitist bankster scum that is really destroying this country though their control over both sides of the political spectrum. Okay, end rant.

Wow. You and I are long-lost twins. If we ever meet in real-life, I'll give you a copy of all the Conspiracy documentaries I have downloaded.

Sounds good.

Honestly, while I still allow for pinpointing one's position (i.e. liberal, conservative, or whatever), I've met and befriended many people "on the other side" who have similar views. It is mainly the people who feel compelled to be deeply partisan that really grind my gears. So often, the answer to their problems is right there in front of them if they just follow the money, but party loyalty just refuses to let them recognize it. Hell, my finding allies on the other side has--in a way--been my one consolation for the falling out I've had with "my side of the fence." I've completely fallen out with what now calls itself "The Tea Party." It has, for the most part, been co-opted. Once, it cared about things like the Fed and true deficit reduction. Now, they are lining up to vote for a man (Herman Cain) who was once on the board of directors for the federal reserve bank in Kansas City. WTF?

I've also been looking more deeply into the effects of media conglomeration on how the race for 2012 is sizing up. Watching the way they do things really shows you who are the acceptable candidate to the elite. The most egregious example I've seen of this was on O'Reilly a few weeks back. The cherry-picked the poll so badly that if you took the time to count up the percentages shown, they left out nearly a third of respondents answers. My question: what did that thirty percent say that was "less news worthy" than pointing out guys like Santorum and Gingrich were only polling one or two percent? Sorry, getting on a tangent.

Anyway, glad we share similar thoughts on this subject.

Last edited by iggy; 2011-06-09 9:02 PM. Reason: Location of Fed Res. Bank