A Star Is Born: The David Vitter & Anthony Weiner Version
Ben Greenman's musical got me thinking. We need more spectacle in the blogosphere. And, as much as I love musicals, that's not really my forté. I'm much better at writing Arthur Miller-style heart-wrenching gritty dramas. So, take a look at this when you get a chance. It's kind of a work in progress.

The curtain rises on two Republican politicians speaking to one another.

Republican #1: So, about Weiner. We're gonna make this guy resign, right?

Republican #2: Oh, totally! There's no way that we can allow a man with such low moral principles to serve in the highly esteemed United States Congress.

Republican #1: Exactly! Our bicameral legislative branch is a shining paragon of morality. It can never be sullied by the base habits of a man who uses his genitals for anything other than the sacred act of procreation.

Republican #2: I couldn't have said it better myself. And another thing–

Sen. David Vitter enters, interrupts.

Sen. David Vitter: Hey, guys! Wassup?! Listen, you're coming to my fundraiser tonight, right? Gotta keep the ol' Vitter doin' his thang on the Senate floor, comprende?

Republican #1: Oh, absolutely!

Republican #2: I wouldn't miss it for anything!

Sen. David Vitter: Excellent. I'll see you over there. Gotta make a quick pit stop at drugstore and pick up some Huggies for my, uh… baby… Alright, goodbye.

Sen. David Vitter leaves.

Republican #1: So, who do you like for President?

Republican #1: I'm leaning toward Newt.

Black out.


Fair play!