I agree. I saw it shrooming at the midnight showing thursday and thought it was decent, entertaining at least. Honestly tho they could have made it a lot better. An extra half hour they could have shown a lot more of him getting the ring, time on Oa, training with Kilowog and the final fight with Parallax, and less of a romance. The final battle just ended way too quick. I liked how they did develop Hal as a character show his relationship with Carol, Tom, Hector, his family, and Dad. Not too many unnecessary Van Wilder-esqe jokes thrown in. Casting was good. Everyone pulled off their characters very convincingly. I was actually surprised how good Blake Lively did. Parallax could've been designed better or not done at all but it was legit. I just didn't like the whole floating fart cloud of skulls thing. CGI was pretty impressive. I felt like I was watching a Marvel movie and not a WB superhero movie the whole time. And they've definitely set up for a franchise. That final scene was sick.