Originally Posted By: Pariah
Something relevant to the topic: I just read in Game Informer that Catwoman is a mandatory participant during a couple intermittent segments of the game. Sucks.

that description makes catwoman's involvement not that dissimilar to roles other characters played in the first game. which, again, was awesome. (actually, that's a good point - do i recall you not liking the first game...?)

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I've been pointing out that future installments might call for more mandatory inclusions based on his acknowledgement in this game. I say this keeping in mind the past 70 years of comicbooks branching off an increasing number of sidekicks and associates from the main characters of the serials.

so, "[this now] sucks" is you being upset that future games (not this one) might (not will) feature occasional (not starring) participants? a theory based on DC (not rocksteady) and their convoluted comic book franchises (not video game franchise) over the span of 70 years (not 3). ...that about it?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
My point is simply that she was not a crucial element to the book's success.

no one is arguing that point with you. the success of any batman book or game is solely due to batman. however, the quality of that book (grouping the four together) was increased because of robin. granted, that's simply my opinion, but i'd wager miller would agree, having used the character so prominently - particularly when you consider he invented the role having killed off one robin and distanced another.

did you not enjoy carrie's role in the story? did she add nothing to it for you?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
My initial point was that 'family' trends tend to kill the writing and that this is a reflected by a decline in patronage.

your critique on quality is an opinion. your critique on sales is fabricated. your critique on future trends is guesswork. there's not much to build on here, other than your glorious seal of disapproval.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Did I approach them thinking they had any hope of being decent? No.

i shall hand you some straw.

giant picture