Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
As for Morrison: most of the people who bought his shit prior to Batman and Robin went on and on about how much they absolutely LOVED it (). If there was a pattern among readership similar to your own experience with his relatively recent stuff, I could better acknowledge your opinion as a reflection of the general feel towards his writing.

who knows what the general populous thinks. but, also, who cares?

any pre-conceived bias for the book is countered by the pre-conceived bias against it. did you ever give it an honest try?

Exactly. To be honest, I found Morrison's Batman to be quite a tedious read at times. However, in retrospect, I find it quite enjoyable now that I see how a lot of the pieces fit when they seemed so terribly random. Is the run perfect? No. But, when I read it from that random ass issue of 52 all the way to B&R 16, I find it to be a compelling read.

Pariah, quit being so damned obstinate and disapproving all the time. You might find you actually like something.