Originally Posted By: Pariah
I had problems with it, but I felt it was a great game overall.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Rocksteady is owned by Time Warner, which in turn owns DC, who oversees all contents of the game. It's the iron triangle of comicbook media.

see, i guess this is the dichotomy i see in your thoughts; you loved the first title, and the team is back together to make a second game. most would simply assume there's another pile of goodness on the way, rather than jump to the conclusion that everything they've ever hated out of two converging mediums would asplode in their face.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
did she add nothing to it for you?

Nope. I was entirely indifferent towards her presence.

i find that disappointing. there's so much to the character, particularly her relationship with bruce. adds a deeper level to the story i'd think you're missing out on.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Thought experiment time: do you personally believe that DC would still be in the decline that it is without being totally congested by the consistent creation or rehashing of more and more family/associates?

my personal opinion? i largely dislike the batfamily. i hate huntress, batgirl, azrael, orpheus, spoiler, etc. i tolerate robin, nightwing, and oracle. i prefer a loner batman, or atleast a streamlined batfamily. and, as said earlier, i'm only willing to accept a grouping if batman is their undisputed leader -- none of this "ill show him" bullshit. batman is better. and should take a stronger stance on others in his city than saying "this is my city." while i do enjoy a select few takes on the team (many mentioned earlier) my preference is almost always a solo batman.

all that said... i think that has absolutely zero to do with DC's (or the entire industries) declining stance. in fact, if anything, i think the expansion of the batfamily likely sustains and increases an audience for the dying medium. batwoman isn't the reason less people are buying comic books, comic books are the reason less people are buying comic books.

at least that's the economic / industry stance. if you're asking about the quality of the books, and how that is in a decline due to character expansion, then again i point to it being a opinion point. i think there are a million quality stories left to be told, and i don't think that has any bearing on the character pool - it's the creators who must be taken to task. cartoon network's justice league unlimited is probably some of the absolute best story crafting i've enjoyed in the comic book world, and that's dozens of characters. the latest morrison batman and robin story is a brand new batman paired with a brand new character, both of which i dislike in principle, and i loved it.

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