Since when does arguing against the principle of creating an overdose of characters equate to only the Bat-family?

What you're talking about is exactly what I'm referring to. Constantly creating more characters encourages more obligatory synergy. Next thing you know, you have arcs or entire serials expressly devoted to team ups. And that inevitably leads to colossally homosexual crossover events.

My fear is that this phenomenon makes its way to the gaming medium and Warner/DC tells Rocksteady, "We could really do with the inclusion of this/these character(s) in the next game." I don't expect a Crisis sub-plot to rear its head, but I do expect them to use the game as a springboard for other characters in the same way they used Batman comics in regards to Bordeaux (admittedly, that had more to do with Rucka), Kathy Kane, Manhunter, Montoya, Grayson, and Damien.

 Originally Posted By: Rob
see, i guess this is the dichotomy i see in your thoughts; you loved the first title, and the team is back together to make a second game. most would simply assume there's another pile of goodness on the way, rather than jump to the conclusion that everything they've ever hated out of two converging mediums would asplode in their face.

I didn't say the game was gonna suck. I've said that aspects of it suck.

all that said... i think that has absolutely zero to do with DC's (or the entire industries) declining stance. in fact, if anything, i think the expansion of the batfamily likely sustains and increases an audience for the dying medium. batwoman isn't the reason less people are buying comic books, comic books are the reason less people are buying comic books.

Which begs the question: what makes up the itinerary of contemporary comic books?

Just writing? Certainly not. It's a continuum of character debuts/showcases, extended families, team ups, replacements, clones (see also: Batman Inc.), and universal crossovers that are all being micro-managed by one person (Didio).

I give the main brunt of writers out there a lot of shit. But I cannot expect any writer to work well under those kind of conditions.

at least that's the economic / industry stance. if you're asking about the quality of the books, and how that is in a decline due to character expansion, then again i point to it being a opinion point. i think there are a million quality stories left to be told, and i don't think that has any bearing on the character pool - it's the creators who must be taken to task. cartoon network's justice league unlimited is probably some of the absolute best story crafting i've enjoyed in the comic book world, and that's dozens of characters.

The show is completely modular where the characters come and go in manageable numbers as the writers please. It doesn't have to put up with an ever expanding and changing continuum.

Even if the current DC writers were decent, the setup they're forced to deal with is impractical.

the latest morrison batman and robin story is a brand new batman paired with a brand new character, both of which i dislike in principle, and i loved it.

By that token, it doesn't have to be a Batman comic then for you to enjoy it. Or rather, it doesn't have to be Bat characters even if it's a Batman book....Kinda defeats the purpose.