I saw Boehner interviewed yesterday on Fox News Sunday, and he said he remains committed to "Cut, Cap and Balance" or some variation of it.

And I think that's the right course. A major step toward reigning in federal spending has to be taken, or we'll be right back here in a year or so, raising the debt limit yet again. And at that point the U.S.'s credit rating will be downgraded.

Of course, the pro-Obama media is demonizing the Republicans for not caving in to Obama's demands, for Republicans holding fast to demanding fiscal responsibility along the lines of the Bowles-Simpson plan --the recommendations of Obama's own debt commission-- that Obama has ironically rejected, even as the Republicans responsibly push for enacting its recommendations.

The Republican-majority House has already passed "Cut,Cap and Balance". And then Democrat Senate majority leader Reid tabled it, and wouldn't even allow a debate in the Senate!

The "Gang of Six" plan was, I believe, just a Democrat ploy to delegitimize and bypass the "Cut Cap and balance" plan, and that belief is reinforced by the fact that its specifics were never even disclosed. It was another plan like Obamacare, Stimulus and TARP bills, where in a state of panic the Senate was just supposed to rush it through unread.

At present, Obama has still offered no budget plan, and both he and the other Dems limit their input to demonizing whatever the Republicans offer.

And, of course, the pro-Obama news media likewise ramps up the panic of impending doom if Obama doesn't get his way, and stacks all blame on the Republicans

Nothing has changed since the status on Friday.