i just see'd it, thought it was fun.

the plussusses:
  • evans was good. he was everything ryan reynolds was not.
  • the chick was potentially the best of the "im the girl in the superhero movies."
  • tommy lee jones was awesome. he was to cap'n america what j.jonah was to the spidey trilogy.
  • the cap'n suit, and various explanations (justifications) behind it
  • the whole retro 1940s, art deco mood; from the world's fair to the war's end.

the not-plusses:
  • red skull. he was somehow every bit as ridiculous in the movie as i think he is in comics, except somehow moreso. i don't particularly have any issue with hugo, who i thought did quite well, at least while "skinned." but once the skullator face came out, it was all unnecessarily bright red poo. right down to the skullmobile.

the i'm not sures:
  • the fight scenes. now, generally speaking, i think the film did a great job of balancing "fun, comic book adventure" and "no, wait - i'm a movie!" and, really, much of the fight scenes were fun. but there were a few too many over the top, spider-man turn-out-the-dark type moments, where cap was punching guys over canyons and sneezing them into outer space. maybe that was intentional, to stay "truer" to the comic booky fun of it, and/or appeal to a younger audience. i just thought any scene proudly featuring a wire placing a villain inorganically on the other side of a tank after cap kicked them crossed over the film's otherwise solid middle-of-the-line tone.

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