Let's go around posting how we'd reboot each of the 52 titles, then I'll post everything in Rob's new site. You can mention what creators you'd put on that book if you want, unless they are Mark Millar because fuck Mark Millar.

Here's the full list: http://www.itsalltrue.net/?p=12864 I'll start with the first one and then someone can pick up the one under that and so on:

I think the flagship Justice League comic should use important, recognizable characters only (no Cyborg, is what I'm saying here) but it should also be free to play around with them, meaning that ideally those characters should appear in this comic only so that writers don't have to worry about keeping up with the continuity of their solo books. So what I'd do is this: take advantage of the fact that at the DCU you usually have more than one guy using the same superhero name at any given time and put a bunch of the duplicates here. So my roster would be: Batman (Dick Grayson), Flash (Wally West), Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner or John Stewart), Wonder Woman (Hyppolita), and also Hawkman and Aquaman since no one cares about them and 90% of the time they won't have their own book. Superman would be a part-time member, coming in every once in a while to give a pep talk or punch something. He's not usually very good in team books anyway, since his powers tend to make everyone else redundant.

This could easily become a C-list Justice League but it doesn't have to be that way: for a mainstream audience it wouldn't make a difference if the guy dressed as Batman is called Dick or Bruce as long as he's recognizably Batman-like, so just play it that way. Likewise, most readers have no idea what Flash or Green Lantern are called. Just make sure they don't get whiny and it should be okay.