Originally Posted By: allan1
I caught the movie again at a drive-in theater and still say that this is THE best super-hero film of the summer.......however,I was with two friends who hadn't seen Thor and parts that directly related to that movie were completely lost on them and/or left them a little confused(not much mind you and it only took a few minutes of explanation from me but still it does show that people who aren't comic readers or not interested in certain characters are missing out and now have to wait for the DVD release).

Really? I haven't seen Thor yet, and I followed just fine.

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I saw Captain America during the weekend. I loved it. But the best parts for me were the recruiting stage, especially Erskine's “People forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.”

For a comic book movie about punching nazis, Captain America did more than other serious WW2 films to give a nod to the fact that not all Germans at that time were Nazis, and that there were German victims as well.

Agreed! It was a respectful but honest look back on American propaganda of the age, and how Rogers used that to his advantage. I think Stan Tucci absolutely brought the heart of this film, and wish he could have been in more of it. Howard Stark was a nice blend between RDJ's Tony and something new. Totally worked for me. I could see that guy being Tony's father. Haley Atwell was pitch-perfect in her role. She was never over or under the top, and I appreciate her holding back and letting Evans dominate the scenes. It was nice to see Tommy Lee come out of acting hibernation and actually put forth some effort in this role. He was hilarious. Again, a pitch-perfect tone. He had the best line of the movie, too:

"Hail Hydra! Cut off one head and two more take it's plac---"

BAM!! (Tommy Lee nails him with a shotgun blast and glances at his men)

"How 'bout we go find two more..."

\:lol\: Fucking. Awesome.

Loved, loved, LOVED seeing Dum-Dum Dugan and the Howling Commandos. That was a nice nod.

And what can I say about Chris Evans? He did it. He sold me. He found Steve Rogers and made him come alive. I'm totally convinced.

All in all, good times. Hope the future ones can be as enjoyable.

The Avengers teaser was too quick. I want more!