Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I clicked on this one. \:-\[
The doctor has a tattoo?
Was this after a regeneration? He was picking out clothes.

\:lol\: I knew that one would get a response. Yep, that's the 3rd Doctor having just been exiled to Earth by the Time Lords. He's woken up in the hospital where UNIT put him after finding him unconscious near the TARDIS in a field. As he just regenerated, he's still a little out of it. But, he knows he wants to escape. So, he takes a shower and the producers fogot/didn't care that Jon Pertwee the actor was once a Royal Marine, and thus has said tattoo. It's one of the funnier little "blooper" moments in Who history.

One thing I like that Moffat did on purpose with Eleven...where does he get his clothes? A hospital. Just like Three.