Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

- The fish fingers and custard thing. I thought that was going to be the cure for the poison, and I thought he went back to young amelia to get those (and he was faking dying the whole time). I also noticed that he had the same clothes he wore to Amy's wedding.

- In line with the above, there was a scene in The Eleventh Hour where it looks like the doctor came back to amelia in the morning (just a scene of her looking up to something while the TARDIS landing sounds are going on). It didn't fit in with anything from that season, and was never revisited in the Big Bang.

Oooh! I didn't catch/think of that! I don't know. It might be too much, even for Moffat.

- Maybe the doctor wasn't really dying? And it's just a trick to get River to give up her remaining regenerations.

I don't know. It seemed like he was really dying. But, you could be right. This Doctor is a crafty bastard.

- Also, does this mean the doctor now has more than 1 regeneration left (since River used up all of hers to revive him).

Well, he had two left (he can regenerate twelve times, creating thirteen different bodies), unless you count RTD's half-generate from Journey's End which gave us Hand-Doctor. I don't count it. But, either way, you're right. That one scene is all we need to say The Doctor has more than 13 lives now. Simple as that.