Two men were talking about the stock market and one said, “My grandfather was wiped out in the 1929 crash. Lost everything.” “Really?” said the other one. “Yep,” replied the first, “some guy jumped out of a building and landed on his pushcart.”

A man planning to marry for the second time confessed to his new fiancée that he was a golfaholic, thought about nothing but golf, lived golf constantly. The woman, also in a repentative mood, confessed that she used to be a hooker but had stopped doing it. “Well,” said the man, “that just proves that anyone can learn to become a better golfer!”Two men were talking about the stock market and one said, “My grandfather was wiped out in the 1929 crash. Lost everything.” “Really?” said the other one. “Yep,” replied the first, “some guy jumped out of a building and landed on his pushcart.”