14. Alec Baldwin, "mistaking" Sarah Palin for Tina Fey on Saturday Night
Live during a conversation with SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels:
"Lorne, I need to talk to you. You can't let Tina go out there with that
woman. She goes against everything we stand for. I mean, good Lord, Lorne,
they call her... what's that name they call her? Cari... Cari... What do they call
her again, Tina?"

Sarah Palin: "That'd be Caribou Barbie."

Baldwin: "Caribou Barbie. Thank you, Tina. I mean, this is the most
important election in our nation's history. And you want her -- our Tina --
to go out there and stand there with that horrible woman. What do you have
to say for yourself?"