I got nothin'


Ep felt a little lukewarm to me. On the one hand, I really believe that the doctor really let the Williams go. But on the other hand, it didn't feel that important to me (I mean, 9 tricking Rose into going back to the present and 10 returning Donna to her present made me feel sad, even 11's farewell to little amy last season had the same effect. But this time I didn't feel anything. Not even relief). Maybe because I didn't find the framing story that interesting, or all the amy drama these past few episodes desensitized me. Or maybe Moffat could have handled it better. Amy and Rory felt like minor characters to me in this ep.

I also didn't feel like we're already nearing the conclusion for this season, but I expect to be surprised. I remember the Lodger and Vincent and the Doctor had me feeling awkward, not expecting how they're going to tie up the series but BAM, Big Bang! and it was awesome. So I have faith in Moffat. Praise him.