Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: Icky
Anybody have an idea when this episode took place? Was it in the present or a few days before his death?
I thought it occurred one day before his death. Maybe not.

Timeline continuity can drive you a bit nuts in this show. Unless they say otherwise or it's' obvious I just assume whatever story they tell is occurring in our time.

Rewatched the episode. The date on the newspaper was April 19, 2011. So, yeah, has he changed things? Do Amy and Rory now know to kill The Silence on sight? It seems that the Amy and Rory he saw in the mall are the same ones he left after The God Complex. Unless, despite seeing all that she did through plastic Amy, Amy doesn't fully recognize all of it.

What happened to the 1103 year old Doctor's TARDIS?

I don't what you're talking about here...

In The Impossible Astronaut, we see the 1103 year old Doctor with a car. The TARDIS doesn't enter the picture until they begin traveling to 1969 with the 909 year old Doctor. Where did he park it? Is it holding a paradox that is allowing him to change things like with the Master and his "lie" about it to old Amy? Is it just fading into the background?

I think he is somehow going to save baby Melody and rewrite time. His speech with Stormageddon was just too much for me to accept otherwise.