Her pimples? Gross!

But, hot!

Yeah, I know what you're saying. All the build-up and excitement was in the first-half of the season. After LKH, it became real quiet and insular. I've been reading where the two producers besides Moff, Piers "I'm a corporate douchebag who blew half the budget on the single American episode" Wenger and Beth "I'm involved in an embezzlement investigation at the BBC" Willis....both of whom are being "moved on" from Doctor Who at the end of this season....moved episodes around, and ended up fucking up the rhythm of the season. Herr Moff is not best pleased, but you won't hear that but through the rumor mill because he's so professional about these things. However, I think in retrospect, he will re-assess how wise it was to make this entire season 'The River Song Show'. Alex Kingston was brought in last year because management was worried Smith & Gillan...two unknowns...might not be able to hold the show up by themselves, and brought in a seasoned, known-for-the-Brits actress. Once Smith outshined everyone on screen last year, he should have molded this season to touch on her story in a way that kept him front-and-center. What makes River so special is that she just pops-up every so often. Seeing her every other episode gets, well, repetitive.

Hopefully tonight will surprise and please us, rather than "See? I got out of it. Aren't you surprised?"