EXPENDABLE HUMAN RESOURCES: It was a pleasure meeting you for the position of suicide bomber, Mr. Khalid Ka-Boom. We like you so much, in addition to the normal salary of 72 virgins in Heaven, we are offering you a signing bonus of 5 extra-virgin virgins in Heaven!

MR. KHALID KA-BOOM: Oh thank you! Just one question, what is the health benefits package like?

EXPENDABLE HUMAN RESOURCES: Full coverage! You casket will be fully covered and closed. And your Dental Plan will ensure that all of your teeth are recovered from the explosion.

Your first assignment is to read this copy of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Suicide-Bombers." But I'll give you the notes:

1) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!

2) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!

3) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!

4) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!

5) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!

6) Proactively solve problems by leveraging synergistic relationships with a core competency focus to create a win-win.

7) Blow Yourself Up. Praise Allah!