I just watched a live press conference by Obama (Thursday, Oct 6th, 11AM-noon), where Obama, infuriatingly, just blames all his own failures on the Republicans.

Asked by a reporter about the frustration of Americans about the lack of improvement in the stalled economy, Obama bemoans the "cynicism" of Republicans who for "partisan reasons" not passing Obama's "jobs bill" (which is actually another stimulus bill, deceptively renamed a "jobs bill" by focus-group-selected wording, but a rose by any other name...)
The media --of course!-- doesn't call Obama on the fact that Obama's first 847 billion in jobs spending wasn't used to create the "shovel ready" jobs, and that he cynically joked about this at a previous press conference. And also let Obama off the hook and DIDN'T ask: why should we believe you now?
And also didn't bother to mention that, far from being unpassable along partisan lines, a majority of Democrats in congress will not vote for Obama's "jobs bill" either.

Obama was also softballed a question about the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, and asked Obama's opinion about the frustration of people nationwide about the excesses of Wall Street.
The reporter DIDN'T ask or follow up that Wall Street was the biggest financial backer of Obama's 2008 campaign, or that GE, Pfizer and other corporate giants have benefitted under Obama like under no other administration in history. (For an extensive documentation of this incestuous corporate feeding frenzy under both the Obama and W. Bush presidencies, read OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney).

It makes me ill the way the press consistently enables Obama's cynicism and deceit by tossing these kind of softball questions with no accountability to the true facts.