Originally Posted By: Prometheus
What did you think about the season finale with the Pandorica and The Big Bang?

too hard to really enjoy with a bunch of seven year old running around. the ending was still a bit "deus ex machina" although not nearly as bad as RTD's stuff.

What's your estimate of Matt Smith so far?

he has an alienness to his performance that reminds me of Baker at his best but without being derivative. he's also got a pretty good emotional range. much better than Tennant and his one constant whatever.

What about Karen Gillan?

sexy accent!

You say you picked up Six/2 this week. Where does it start? 'Let's Kill Hitler'?

Yes. this is the ep I'm referring to when I say "bait and switch" done right.

Man, I really hope you get to see the first half soon and then watch it all together. I think you'll really love the huge big picture Moff's playing with. Have you finished the second half of that season yet?

dunno, but I've gone through the whole dvd.

Also, did you ever see the first half of Smith's first season? If I remember correctly, you started with the Van Gogh episode, right?

no and no. missed Van Gogh, so I really started with The Lodger.

And, while I looooved 'The Lodger', I thought 'Closing Time' was horseshit. I LOATHE beating ANY enemy with fucking "love". That's the gayest shit. Period.

presactly! that's why I called it a parody of RTD! I'm serious, but I think you've already figured out my meaning from your responses to Igward. that whole episode is so obviously a comedy and not meant to be taken seriously.