Originally Posted By: allan1
I didn't get into DC until I read an issue of Superman that Byrne wrote and Mike Mignola drew

Was that the annual? Where the Kryptonite radiation wave was finally reaching Earth, and Supes had to go underground to hope the lead of a mine or something would protect him. He got all fever-induced and beat the shit out of poor Man-Bat. I remember that being a Mignola. I'm sure Grimm could tell you. He has Mignola cataloged in his head like the fucking alphabet. Otherwise, I don't think I remember Mignola & Byrne on Superman. Or at least, I don't remember Byrne writing Superman without drawing him, too.

and then the Invasion crossover is what hooked me into the rest of the DCU.

Just got that in collected trade, as well. Honestly, it doesn't hold up very well. And McFarlane's early art looks dated as hell now. But, it's a near dip back into a DCU that had a more-or-less cohesive universe, with C, D, and E-Listers making A-List status in book plots. The years of Captain Atom being the go-to guy for leadership in the DCU (since Superman was still something of a "newbie").

However, the whole Superman-encounters-The-Daxamites-punch is still pretty awesome.

As for Steve Rogers vs. John Walker,the first time they fought was when Walker was Super-Patriot a bit before #332(I think #327 but not positive) but as Captain vs. Captain America,yes #350 was the showdown between the two.Red Skull became major bad-ass and the issue also had a John Byrne drawn back-up explaining how the Skull ended with a cloned body of Steve Rogers.

Right!! Ah memories. I wonder if I still have that issue...hmmm...

In hindsight & having re-read the Omnibus,yes the Evolutionary War doesn't hold up that great but for me,all the characters were new and exciting and I had no clue who people were so I still hold it fondly as a story.

Fair enough. That's how I felt about books like CRISIS. I mean, back then, just getting a book with that many "new" characters in it, in a jumping-on point destined to go down in history, how could you not like it?

Yep the What if? issue was better than the whole original story and I dug it immensely.

I just remember humans all get big-brain-heads, and there are panels of ethnic and cultural stereotypes all walking around shaking hands like it's the fucking 'It's a Small World' ride at Disneyland. \:lol\: Neat story, though. Especially for the bullets-over-brains era.

Red/Silver armor Iron Man is my fave armor hands-down.

Word. And the movie came so close with the racetrack armor. But, I like the literal "shell-head" design of the Centurion armor.

I did miss the Mutant Massacre \:\(

As a fellow human, I suggest you reading this. It's now considered to be the literal "ending" of the Byrne/Claremont "All New X-Men" era. After that, everything about X-Men changed. And it never quite went back to be the same again.

I don't believe Groo was a back-up and his run in Marvel's Epic line was awesomeness. MULCH!!

This is why you are AllanONE and the rest are AllanNONE.